Monday, November 21, 2011

SAMS Club - Mid October

Shopping at sames club with Mommy, Grandma, and Aunt Tess.
She is such a good girl to take shopping. She LOVES her carseat. We went to multiple places and she barely make noise.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

One Month Check-up October 26th

One Month Check-UP Stats!!
 October 26, 2011

Wt - 8-11         50th Percentile
Ht - 21 3/4       50
Head - 38 cm    75 - About right on for our family lol : )

She behaved so well at the pediatrician, but was very happy when Daddy got her back.

Late October - Eye Shape

 She has those Eggebrecht squinty eyes just like me!!

Chubby Cheeks!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bad Night - Mid October

 I am starting to back-blog now...

OMGosh, bad night for Evie. I could not do anything to soothe her. She was gassy and over tired. After awhile I just started taking pictures of her.

Maybe it will be ok...
She gets a puffy crying face like I do : (

She calmed down a little and wanted to play...

And then all went bad again... this is my favorite. Imagine a low sad cry attached to this picture.

And she finally gave up.
She even looks sad sleeping.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Halloween 2011

Evie Gene the sweet little piece of candy corn!!
Grandma Britta made her this costume first, her head was to big so we cut the back and her chest was to big so we cut her out of it lol

Take 2!!
This is the second outfit grandma made, it fits much better and has a better candy corn shape.
What a CUTE BABY!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Deep in thought...

 Must have been a dream to ponder lol 
I was cleaning up the house a bit, went to check that Evie was okay and walked in on this.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Evie Gene the pink skeleton slept the whole time we picked pumpkins : ). Having decided not to go to Goeberts since 1 -she can't do anything there, 2 -you have to pay just to get in, 3 -there pumpkins are expensive, and 4 -I am still sore, we decided to go up to the guy that has pumpkins on Hopps road. He had a very nice selection and his prices were low.

She would not wake up. It was very sunny out and she had just ate. My mom said she looks like a corpse.

We also got the big corn stalks from the Hopps rd Pumpkin patch. Bo wanted to be in the picture : )
 The cool chair Dad picked out of the garbage for me.
 The front steps. I need to put a rock in the bucket, it keeps blowing into the yard. I'm going to lose it one day.

The corn stalks from our garden. Our corn just stopped growing. It looks very cute on the flag pole though. Its mini sized compared to the big stuff we bought.

Monday, October 17, 2011


 Random Pictures
 I wonder when I will get to the point when I stop taking dozens of pictures of her a day?... never?  She is just the cutest baby I have ever seen. (Yes, I'm a little biased here.) I am so thankful to have a happy healthy child. Thank you Lord. My heart breaks for the conjoined twins Mom for her sad loss. I can't begin to imagine what she is going through, or pretend to know how she feels. I do know the love I have for my child, and can't bare to imagine how I would feel or cope. My prayers are with them and there family.

Oh Evie! She is going to be just like her Mom in the hot weather, CRABBY!! : ) Those few last 80 degree days she was so hot and sweaty and just plain angry.

 Uncle Josh finally holding Evie!! He was pretty nervous at first but caught on real quick.

 : ) 6 am and ready to play!! She really is a very good baby, I just have to get used to a new schedule... Hers!! She will sleep through the night only waking sometimes to eat but will go right back to sleep.

Hehe.. Eugene ran the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9. He got a calf cramp around mile 16 but finished anyway. Someone didn't put sunscreen on so he is burnt.

I could post dozens and dozens of random pictures. I already am filling up my iphone with pictures of miss Evie Gene. I love the newborn stage, but am very excited for all the fun milestones to come.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Pediatrician Visit - October 2, 2011

First visit to the pediatrician!!
Evie was a very good girl at the doctor. She never cried, she just yelled a little : )

October 2, 2011
6lbs 14oz
20.5 in
35cm head

Ah!! We are parents bringing our daughter Evie Gene to her Dr. Appointment. Proud Daddy!!

Cousin Courtney taking her length. She pouted for this and made a few yelling noises.

Phew, back to Daddy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bella Baby Photos 9/30

Bella Baby Pictures(Pictures taken in the hospital) The hospital offers baby pictures that are taken in your room at the hospital. This nice young girl game in and set everything up on the bed, did a mini photo session and that was it. Very cute pictures. Lucky us, being an employee, we got the CD of all the pictures for free with the purchase of the medium size package.

Little stinker would not wake up for pictures!! She opened one eye ever so slightly and went right back to sleep.

She has already grown so much!! She is getting a little budda belly and chubby(er) cheeks : )

Holding Daddy's finger.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Evie Gene Martin

She's here!! Evie Gene Martin, born September 27th, 2011 at 7:13 pm, 7 lbs 1 oz, 20.5 in, 31 cm chest, 34.5 cm head.

We were scheduled for an induction at Sherman on Sept. 26 @ 730 am. I called at 5 am to make sure they had room for us - they didn't! I was told to call back at 8... nope, call back at noon.... nope, don't call us, will call you : (.  At 3 o'clock I received a phone call saying that we were on the schedule for the next day at 630. I cried all day out of frustration, I had my mind set that it was going to happen that day and when it didn't i was so bummed. I took two Tylenol PM and went to sleep at 830. Woke up the next morning and called at 5 again. They said we are busy now but just

come at 7. I was so scared we were going to get there and be sent home that I wasn't even nervous about the induction. We got there at 630, we registered(good sign), received a room number(even better sign), went up to L/D(great sign), got a room(fantastic sign), they had me pee in a cup(YAY! This is really going to happen!!). The nurse came in and told us if we would have been 5 minutes later we would have been sent home. Phew!!! She started my IV and the pitocin was started at 0730!! Labor progressed really well. Evie didn't really tolerate contractions from the beginning. I had to continuously flip from side to side or on my back because her
heart rate kept dropping really low. I stood next to the bed for 45 minutes until I got my epidural because it felt better to stand to tolerate the pain, and because she never dropped her heart rate while I was standing. At 10 I started having painful contractions, at 1030 I asked for an epidural, and at 11 I got an epidural. They were very busy that day. I was third in line for an epidural, Perks of working at Sherman, the anesthesiologist did mine first : ). The epidural was fantastic!! I would recommend one to all!! Dr Korzen came and broke my water at 1230 and I was dilated to 4cm. I stayed at 4cm for awhile because Evie wouldn't tolerate any higher level of Pitocin. Around 4 I told my nurse I was having a lot of tail bone pressure. She checked me and I was 9 cm dilated!! She called Dr Korzen. Evie kept randomly dropping her heart rate with contractions but would recover. We started pushing at 430. Pushed for an hour but Evie kept dropping her heart rate. Dr Korzen said lets let you labor down for an hour and will start pushing again then, we might try to vaccum if you cant push her out, and if she keeps dropping her heart rate we might need to do a c/s. 20 mins later she comes running in, Evie had dropped her heart rate really low, and Dr. Korzen said lets push now, she didnt move with every push, they did a quick ultrasound and Evie was side ways, Dr Korzen tried to Vaccum her twice and it didnt work. Evie dropped her heart rate REALLY low with no contraction and dr. korzen said thats it were doing a c/s.... 6 nurses popped up out of no where, they called the c/s at 655, baby was born at 713!!

The c/s was horrible!! Evie was lodged in my pelvis and would not come out. One dr was pushing on my ribs, dr korzen was pulling  Evie, and there was a nurse up me pushing evie back up, I felt so much PRESSURE... Eugene was VERY pale(Dr. Korzen let him watch). They finally got her out, she was very pale and grey, and not crying. The SCN nurses and Childrens Memorial Dr. worked her and after what seemed like FOREVER, she let out a very sad cry... phew. After she was ok they carried her over and let me see her. SO WORTH IT!! Then they thought they knicked my bladder for they were moving all my organs around. Horrible feeling. They sewed me up. My legs were dead... I was so uncomfortable, I threw up. It took three hours for full feeling of my legs to get back. an hour to even feel them. Once I could feel my legs, even a little, I felt better.

I am so excited she is here!!! It makes me tear up just typing all this up and how emotional everything was. She is so precious. Gene and I are so in love. Gene is so good with her, it makes me smile and love him even more when he talks to her, feeds, changes, or just holds her. <3

Thursday, September 22, 2011

September 26, 2011

It's official, I am not going to be pregnant forever... Gene was right : P. I am being induced on Monday, September 26, 2011!! Hooray! I didn't know it was possible to feel every single imaginable emotion all at one time. It is really going to happen and I am so excited for her to be here.

My poor belly button... it's amazing what your body does in pregnancy. I feel like I have a beach ball full of water strapped to the front of me, except that it keeps kicking what may possibly my right kidney...
Picture - 9/22 - 38 weeks 5 Days

My lovely "Battle Wounds"(Stretch Marks).
Dr. Korzen is guessing an 8lb baby if I were to make it to 40 weeks.... 7ish lb baby sounds great!

Hehe.. I couldn't resist buying this, and it glows in the dark!

Friday, August 5, 2011

4lbs 2oz !

This picture gets me so excited every time I see it!! You can see her chubby cheeks and big head : ). We had an ultrasound yesterday August 4, 2011 because they still hadn't got a clear view of the heart. Everything looks great! Doc said we have a healthy baby girl. This little girl, again, could not make anything easy... the tech had a hard time viewing the heart because she would not move her hands out of the way. Her hand is in her mouth in the US picture. She is in the head down position already so hopefully she stays there. At 31 weeks and 5 days she weighs in at 4lbs 2 oz! I guessed 4lbs so of course Eugene guessed 4-1 claiming price is right rules...he won by default.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Time Fly's!!

Our wedding rehearsal, November 12, 2011. Eight and a half months ago we said "I Do", : )time fly's!! 11/13/10 <3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ready for September!!!

This momma is done being pregnant!! Well not quite... 8 more weeks!! I am so ready to meet you little girl! This is one of the dozens of pictures I send Eugene while he is at work : ). I am running out of room, so my stomach has started to just grow farther out making things a little difficult and uncomfortable. She has been laying across my belly lately or kicking my cervix making me have to pee. Next appointment is another ultrasound on August 4, with a specialist since we still haven't been able to verify a four chamber heart. Then on August 6 we have a regular appointment with the OB.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bo REFUSING to go in the water!!

This is my 3 1/2 year old black lab Australian Sheppard mix dog Bo, who loves water ,refusing to go in the kiddie pool. Bo dives in the river at the dog park and fights for the hose while I water the garden, but refuses to go in the pool. Tessa finally got him in and he acted like he was frozen and jumped out immediately when she let him go.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I LOVE our little house!!

We will officially be homeowners for one year on July 28, 2011!! The more we do to the house, the more I love it. I enjoy being a homeowner. The feeling that it is ours(and the loan)... : ) that we can do, or change, and make it anything we want!! The difference in a year is unbelievable.

This is the kitchen the day we bought the house. It was dark, outdated, and heavily smelled of cigarette smoke.

As you can see we have done many changes. All the electrical was replaced to bring it up to code. We have pot lights above the counters. New ceiling fan. The paneling and soffet are gone. The back-splash got torn out but we haven't replaced it yet. Gene put the new floor in, after taking up four others. Painted the cabinets white. We got a microwave, stove, and fridge on craigslist. The old stove didn't work well. The old fridge is in the basement for beer.

 We are getting there!!! So much has been done it 1 year!