Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cousin Day

Grandma Diane and Evie had a Grandma Day with Aunt Lana and cousin Noah. They had a blast. Evie ran circles around Noah and chatted all their ears off. The piano was a favorite of the day.

Play Kitchen

This is the play kitchen I got for Christmas when I was Evie's age. Evie thought it was so cool. She was so excited that she was having a hard time waiting for me to clean it since its been in the garage attic for 15 years. Then we got the play food out and she had a blast.

Cheesy Smile

Yum, Mac N Cheese!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Starbucks Baby.

Yah I drink Venti Mocha Frappichinos I'm almost 18 ... Months!!


I bowled a 141!!
That is all.
: )

Eskimo Evie - Snow Day!!

It has finally snowed a now respectable Chicago amount this winter(despite all but a few inches being in feb/march).
Evie LOVED the snow. She really enjoyed watching Bo play, lots of giggles and belly laughs.
Pic 1 - first time really outside in the snow, her face was priceless. Pure joy.
Pic 2 - were serious now, in the complete snowsuit ready to go.
Pic 3 - Evie and Mommy.
Pic 4 - Bo was not to sure about her holding his leash. Evie, however, thought it was fantastic. She yelled and pointed at the dog to sit and violently thrashed the leash up and down laughing.
Pic 5&6 - What a lucky girl to have such an awesome aunt. Tess pulled up, down, and all around. At first she kept falling off the back(lots of laughing), then she figured out how to hold on but would roll off on purpose(I think just so Tess would put her back on).

iPhone Blog App

There is an app for my iPhone that I can blog from!!! Hooray, my ass better blog more often now!!! It's so easy and it lets you use the pics off your phone(awesome). The app doesn't allow you to place the photos, they all go in after your done typing

RSV and a Trip to the Hospital

My poor baby came down with a case of RSV mid February. Brought her in to the Ped because she was burning up and her oxygen saturation was in the high eighties(bad mom!) two nebulizer treatments later and we were on our way to our room on the Peds floor at Sherman Hospital.
Pic 2 is Gene reading Evie her new book from Uncle Josh and Monica, Go Dog, Go!.(one of my favs).
Pic 1 is Evie getting neb treatment at home after discharge. Big girl!!
Pic 3 is a sick baby girl on her daddy : )
Pic 4 yes, after your child refuses food for two days you give her a bottle. Despite not having a daytime bottle for 4 months. Dehydration is not worth it.