Sunday, March 4, 2012

Evie Gene 5 months

I am tired.
I can't wait for Eugene to finish paramedic school. I know that you can't wish for life to go any faster then it does, that life dosent already fly by, my baby girl is already 5 months old!!!

Evie -
Evie Gene is getting SO BIGG!! Poor baby has had a little stomach flu for the past week. I brought her the dr because I was worried and she said just watch her. But, my big girl weighed 15 lbs!!! She is getting such a little personality these days. She laughs, yells, and grunt/growls at me. She has started to enjoy her Bumbo, but you have to keep the tray attached at ALL times because she arches(throws herself) backwards. She really likes music and TV(call me naughty, I know...) she loves the creepy show Yo Gabba Gabba, laughs at it constantly. Her big booty is in a size three diaper and 3-6 or 6 month clothes. Her favorite toys are her teething keys. She is putting everything in her mouth and chewing on her hands constantly. Still not sleeping threw the night, max 5 to 6 hours at a time. I have been trying to set a bedtime for 830 and it works most of the time. She gets up between 7-830 every morning like clockwork. She has started moving a little, she rolls to her side and rolls back, hates being on her stomach. She has learned to arch herself up on her head and scoot her legs so she is gliding on her head.
We got a bath chair and Evie LOVES IT!!!

Eugene started class in late August and is done the end of May. He has class M-W-Th from 6-10pm. He also has to comple 250 hours of clinical time at Sherman and 250 hours of ride-time with Hanover Park. All while still working shift every third day. I tease him that I am a single parent(it makes him mad)-with reason... He responds saying that I am very well supported financially for a single parent... Ha ha. I just keep telling myself it will be over soon enough and won't remember why I complained so much.
Lucky for me I have been called off a lot from work so it hasn't been to bad lately.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is missing is a cute picture of my adorable granddaughter!
