Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Turning 25** What!!!

Yes, July 8th I will be 25!!

I didn't exactly see myself where I am at 25. I have done things a little backwards. I thought I would be done with school, have a nice paying job, and be living on my own. One of those is half accurate. I live with my husband, our 9 month old daughter, and our black lab. I am still in school, and get paid sh*t at my job. I am going back to school full time in the fall so I will soon be able to have a nice paying job and be able to help support my family and have more children. In the meantime, I am enjoying my daughter and just loving the 'ups', living with the 'downs', and throwing my hands up for the 'U turns'.

*25 things I am thankful for
1.I have a beautiful, healthy, vibrant 9 month old daughter
2.My loving supportive husband
3.The BEST sister in the world
4.My loving supportive parents
5.Great In-Laws
7.running water and sanitation
8.A nice house with a roof over my head
9.I am healthy
10.My family is healthy
11.A job
12.The opportunity to go back to school full time
13.A safe vehicle
14.Health Insurance
15.Air Conditioning
16.Living in America
17.Living in a safe area
18.Immediate access to healthcare
19.Birth Control
21.A full fridge/pantry
22.safe water

*25 things I want -(so I can look back and giggle)
1.A better attitude 
2.To enjoy going to work
3.Zac Brown Bands new CD
4.Evie off expensive formula
5.Good Grades
6.Travel more
7.Spend more time with my husband
8.Spend more time with friends
9.Finish garden on the side of the house 
10.Have more fun
11.Make new friends
12.Finish School
13.Lose baby weight
14.Quilt more
15.Scrapbook more
16.Trim in my house finished
17.A bathroom in my basement
18.An extra bedroom in my house
19.A dishwasher
20.Finished Kitchen
21.New kitchen garbage can
22.Nora Roberts new book trilogy
23.Evie to eat for food and not have it hurt her
24.Evie to sleep through the night
25.See a movie in the theater

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